Friday, September 21, 2012

PreK Evaluation!

Yesterday was a great day!  We have been looking forward to Griffin's PreK evaluation but I was also a bit nervous.  This is all so new to us so we didn't really know what to expect with the evaluation.  I dressed Griffin up and he looked so handsome!  The moment we entered the office, two ladies swarmed around of which conducted the meeting.  The secretary said that she could tell already that he would be a class favorite. lol.

The meeting was pretty quick.  I had prepared the best way that I could... I knew and understood our rights as parents and a friend sent me an email of 10 mistakes that most parents make during IEP meetings.  So that was very helpful.  Basically, Griffin needs everything that they can offer.  They immediately began by saying that he needs Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapies.  Great!  I'm a bit on the confused side about what the next meeting will involve but I plan to call the office next week and get some clarity.  We didn't get to discuss any goals so I'm curious when we will talk about that.  Next Friday, Griffin will get to try his classroom out!  I will take him to school after I drop Little G off at MDO and can hang out and watch!  I'm so excited for him!  He won't actually start attending regularly until everything is worked out, probably in late Oct. or early Nov.  It will be great to see the dynamics of his classroom, though!  His teacher was in the meeting and she seemed like a great one, very kind and willing to provide the best.  We shall see!  On a side note, don't tell Chris, but since he won't dress like Gary from Rascal Flatts, I will just dress his son that way!  


Yesterday, Little G said a phrase!  She pointed at Griffin as he sat in his highchair and said, "Bubba eats!"  Yay!  Very excited for her!  Also, I attended Big G's open house at school and I loved seeing all of her schoolwork that she doesn't get to bring home yet.  Check out her journal entry!

Today was MDO.  Little G was a trooper and marched right into her classroom and didn't even look back at me.  So proud of her!  While I was trying to sign in, Griffin slipped into the classroom by squeezing between the teacher and the doorway without anyone knowing!  He's a sneaky little guy!  I caught him right as he was about to get out of reach and had to pull him back.  He protested because he wanted to stay at MDO, too!  He REALLY wanted to stay.  Bless his heart.  So that made me even more excited about PreK.

Griffin and I had to run some errands while Little G was at MDO.  We went to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (the hospital that all the deployed soldiers on Army Wives go to. lol).  I had my follow up dermatology appt and Griffin was an absolute angel.  I pray that he is always such a great little kid to run errands with!  My dermatologist gave him some love and was so excited to meet him.  Afterwards, we went to the Java Cafe at the hospital and shared a chocolate muffin.  He loved it and showed no signs of frustration once it was gone!  So proud of him (and relieved)!

But anyway, Big G has a sleepover birthday party to attend tonight and she is crazy excited!

Have a great day!  <<<HUG>>>

1 comment:

  1. It was a great day! Little G is just growing by leaps and bounds. I think she is feeling more confident and that's such a great thing. Umm how is the whole paci-less lifestyle going for ALL of you? :)


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