Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Resolution? Do I Dare???

Yesterday was wonderful.  We finally went to church as a complete family for the first time since the beginning of October, when Chris was admitted to the hospital.  Everyone was finally well enough to go!  By the time Chris and I got everyone loaded up into the van, we were sweaty and exhausted.  We both just looked at each other and shook our heads.  No words necessary.  I guess our biggest battle that we decided not to fight was with Little G.  She grew very attached to a tiny box of humidifier filters that we bought Saturday night at the BX.  She got to hold them while we finished up our shopping and felt that they were hers.  She wanted to take them to church.  Just before it was time to go, we realized that she thought the box of humidifier filters was crackers so we were able to make an even trade with her.  Problem solved.  Also, she has started calling us "Mia" and "Chwis".  We try to ignore her but she just says it louder and louder.  What's odd is that we never call each other by our names... it's mostly "babe" between the two of us.  So I have no idea why she's using our real names.  Thank goodness that she's cute.  <wink>

We all enjoyed church.  By the time we dropped all of the kids off to their classes, I stepped into the bathroom to try to tame my rat's nest hair down because it looked as if I had stepped into the tropics.  The sermon was just what I needed to hear.  God is always on time, every time.  When we picked Little G up at her Sunday School class, she was standing at the door and yelled out, "Jesus!" when we asked if she had a good time, while holding a little paper star ornament that she had "cuttered" (colored).  Yep, I love being a mommy.

So... it's December 31st... the last day of an amazing year.  Should I make a New Year's Resolution?  Probably not, because I will not follow through.  However, I am planning to try to do something productive every single day, even if it's just to clean the kitchen sink.  We will be moving back to the states soon and I also want to declutter and get rid of things that we didn't even unpack here.  I'm tired of being weighted down by unnecessary junk.  So I guess my New Year's Resolution is to 1.  Do something productive outside of my usual line of housework every day for at least 5 minutes.  2.  Start going through unpacked boxes and getting rid of junk.  3.  I have Zumba for my Wii so I want to do that a few times per week.  I'm just dying to give my "across the street" neighbor some extra evening entertainment than our usual goofiness.  I think I will wear sweatbands and legwarmers, too.

But anyway, I'll leave you with our attempt at getting some pictures of the children before church.

Love and Hugs!

1 comment:

  1. Aww look at Big G being such a little lady despite her siblings' antics. :) And if you really want to entertain the neighbors - get Chris to wear the headband and leg warmers! Happy New Year!


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